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 YouTuber Trevor Jacob jailed after crashing plane for views

YouTuber Trevor Jacob jailed after crashing plane for views. A YouTuber deliberately crashed his own plane in order to earn views and money. Now the court has given its verdict in this matter.

In our digital age, people will go to any length to increase their views, likes, reach, comments, and follows. By now you must have seen all kinds of strange videos on social media and YouTube where creators are seen doing anything for views. An American YouTuber also did something similar. According to AFP report, American resident Trevor Jacob crashed his plane for views. The YouTuber was flying over Southern California in November 2021. Trevor Jacob left the plane in the air after a short distance and jumped with one of his parachutes.

YouTuber Trevor Jacob crashed a plane for money

During the course of the hearing, the judge sentenced the YouTuber to 6 months in prison. The YouTuber had posted this video with the title I Crashed My Plane. Which has been view by more than 44 lakh people so far. This video is still available on the YouTube channel. According to the report. Trevor Jacob provide incorrect information to investigators and claimed that there was a problem with the plane. However, later investigation revealed that the YouTuber had done this deliberately and had flown in a helicopter with a friend to remove parts of the plane from the crash site.

YouTuber Trevor Jacob

The YouTuber placed the plane’s parts in a helicopter and later dumped them in trash bins in and around the Lompoc City Airport so that no one would notice. Let us tell you, the FAA, the organization that controls flights in the United States, had banned Jacob in April 2022. The pilot license was revok. The court said that YouTuber has tried to hinder the investigation and destroy evidence and has also done wrong things to earn money. In this case the court has sentenced 6 months imprisonment.

YouTuber Trevor Jacob may face 20 years in jail

The latest update in the case is that for this Jacob may face 20 years in jail. Also, the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has canceled the private pilot certificate of 29-year-old Jacob. Officials said Jacob also intentionally destroyed the wreckage of a small single-engine plane that crashed in California’s Los Padres National Forest in December 2021.

YouTuber Trevor Jacob

In Jacob’s video clip captioned ‘I crashed my plane’, Jacob can be seen exiting the plane with a parachute. During this time he also had a selfie stick in his hand. In the video, cameras installed throughout the plane show that the plane loses control and lands in the forest and eventually crashes.

Didn’t contact traffic control even in emergency

Aviation officials also noticed that Jacob did not contact the traffic control even during this emergency. Neither did he try to restart the engine nor search for the right place to land. Whereas he could have landed safely at many places. The FAA said that it is a matter of concern as to why the YouTuber destroyed the debris as soon as it landed.

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